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August 24th-25th 2019 - Peter Stuart Memorial, Auckland.
We renamed the North Shore Open to commemorate Peter Stuart.
Venue: Northcote Community Centre, cnr College Road/Ernie Mays Street.
A class 1 Grand Prix event, with three 5-round swiss sections, all FIDE
and NZCF rated (where possible).
Prize fund: $2250.
The Open (A-grade) is restricted to players FIDE-rated 1800 or
higher (juniors rated below 1800 may be accepted), the B-grade
to players rated under 2000, and the C-grade to players rated
under 1500.
The time control is 90 minutes for the game with 30 seconds
increment from move one.
Dedicated webpage with full results: Peter
Stuart Memorial 2019 Webpage.
Results on Vega: Open; B-Grade; C-Grade.
1st=: CM Alphaeus Ang, Evan T Capel, FM Ben
under2100: Gino Thornton, WFM Jasmine Zhang,
WFM Vyanla Punsalan.
under1900: Felix Xie, CM Richard Meng, Caleb
B Grade
1st=: Clinton Wells, Hao Tang.
3rd=: Allen Li, Timothy Ha.
under1600: Allen Li.
under1475: Narasimhan Lakshmi Ravi, Boyuan
C Grade
1st=: Leo Noel Bainov, Mathew Steadman.
3rd=: Tim Zhang, Kevin Shen Su, Kedar Walke.
over16years: Kedar Walke.
under16years: Kevin Shen Su.
under10years: Bevis Jiang, Lucas Xiao.
under9years: Tim Zhang.