

North Shore CC logo
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Club Starting Time and Contacts

The starting time for Wednesday nights is back to normal: 7:30pm.
Please be aware that it will change to 7:45pm later in the year (date to be confirmed).

The main contact is Helen but please copy your emails to Daniel Johns and Taylor Sussex to cover any periods when one of us is away.
Helen Milligan, email
Daniel Johns, email
Taylor Sussex, email

Latest news

The Schedule (DRAFT version for now!) is available via the Menu link.
The final round of the Summer Cup takes place on 12th March.
Follow on Vega: Summer Cup.
Our AGM takes place on 19th March. Please turn up if you are an adult member, so that we have a quorum for our decisions!
There will be an informal unrated Blitz event after the AGM.
The 1st leg of our Rapid Championship starts on 26th March.
You can sign up for the Rapid 1st Leg by email: please send to Helen Milligan at
Follow on Vega: Rapid 1st Leg.

Waitangi Weekender Champion!

Leo Baker scored a big win, sharing first place at this event, and since the co-winner was Indian, ended up as part of a colourful article on the Chessbase India website!
Waitangi Weekender winner Leo Baker
Link to the Chessbase India article

Major Open Champion!

At the NZ Congress in Auckland in January, quite a few of our members had fine performances, but none more so than our veteran star Ceferino 'Jun' Isaac, who was joint first in the Major Open Championship! He was seeded 15th but finished on 7.5/9, tied with Alexander Hanrui Pan of Howick-Pakuranga CC.
Major Open Champion Jun Isaac

Summer Lightning

1st Wei (William) Jiang 8/9
2nd Max Strivens 7.5/9
3rd William Rui Liu 7/9
Full results on Vega (may not be up yet as there are some issues with the server upgrade): Summer Lightning

2024 Prizewinners

Junior Champion (Trophy)
1st= Nolan Hu & Charlie Yang
3rd Ji Hu Park

Summer Cup (Trophy)
William Rui Liu & Isambard Thomas

Winter Tournament
FM Alphaeus Ang

Spring Tournament
Antonio Krstev

Most Improved Player (Trophy)
Isaac Gu

Fischer-Random Champion
Justin Zhide Wang

Rapid Champion (Trophy)
Justin Zhide Wang

Lightning Champion (Trophy)
FM Felix Xie

Club Championship
C-Grade (Trophy)
Oliver Sun & Nancy Liang
B-Grade (Trophy)
Srirama Nimmakayala, Dante Soriano & Elena Moshakova
A-Grade (Trophy)
FM Alphaeus Ang

Junior Champions Nolan Hu and Charlie Yang Rapid Champion Justin Zhide Wang
Joint Junior Club Champions Nolan Hu and Charlie Yang Justin Zhide Wang
Fischer Random Champion Justin Zhide Wang B-Grade Club Championship: Dante Soriano
Justin Zhide Wang Dante Soriano


On 13th March 2024 we held our AGM. The committee is as follows:
President: Helen Milligan
Secretary: Daniel Johns
Treasurer: Neil Gunn
Club Captain: Sunny Zhong
Vice Presidents: Sean Myers & Eva Lourenco
Committee Members: Ting Liang, Elena Moshakova, & Taylor Sussex

2025 Update on Rating

This year we will continue to NZCF- and FIDE-rate as many events as possible. This applies to the Lightning Championship, all the legs of the Rapid Championship, and all the standard-rate events, ie Summer Cup, Autumn and Spring Tournaments, and the Club Championships. Players MUST be paid-up members of the North Shore Chess Club in order to take part (yes, it is OK to be a member of other clubs in addition). Players who are not NZ residents or citizens must have FIDE ID from their home country.
In 2025 the following will still apply:
If you have had Covid recently, then we recommend that you do not return to chess club until your RAT test is negative. Let's keep everybody safe.

Please scroll down to see membership fees and our bank details.

Online chess

North Shore CC now has a presence on LiChess. If you wish to represent NSCC in NZCF or other online events, please register: North Shore Chess Club - Auckland NZ team.

Membership fees

Membership fees can be paid direct to the club's bank account, ASB 123008-0301266-00.
The current fees are $85 for full membership, $55 for schoolpupil (ie a junior who is playing on Wednesday nights), and $35 for Junior Club only (ie a junior who attends only on Friday nights).

Club information

The North Shore Chess Club was founded in 1956 and has been supporting chess on the North Shore and the Auckland region since that date.

From our new premises in the Takapuna War Memorial Hall, we hold our club nights every Wednesday, from early January through until mid December. Organised tournament play starts at 7.30pm. If you would like to know more, please contact the Club President, Helen Milligan, details listed below, or just turn up!
We also run a junior night on most Fridays, starting at 7pm.

North Shore CC, postal address c/o Helen Milligan, 3/7 Owens Road, Devonport, Auckland 0624. Meets Wednesdays 7.30pm, at Takapuna War Memorial Hall, 7 The Strand, Takapuna (see map, below).
Junior club: on Fridays from 7:00pm.
President and Contact: Helen Milligan, email
Secretary: Daniel Johns, email

Recent interesting games!

Interesting games will be added to this play-through applet.