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In order to assist our strongest players to maintain (and
increase) their ratings, we will revert to the practice of running the
top section of the Club Championship as round-robin, if possible. This
year, there will be no catch-up nights.
This year, again, we intend to NZCF- and FIDE-rate as many events as
possible. This applies to the Lightning Championship, all the legs of
the Rapid Championship, and all the standard-rate events, ie Summer Cup,
Autumn and Spring Tournaments, and the Club Championships. Players MUST
be paid-up members of the North Shore Chess Club in order to take part
(yes, it is OK to be a member of other clubs as well!). Players who are
not NZ residents or citizens must have FIDE ID from their home country.
Be aware that the time control of the Summer, Autumn, and Spring events
is 60+30. FIDE now rates this for players up to 2400. The Club
Championship, of course, is 90+30.
You can download a pdf version of this schedule here. Summer Cup: 7-round Swiss with time control of all moves in 60 minutes with 30 seconds increment added per move from move 1 (scoresheets must be kept up-to-date throughout the game). Up to two half-point byes available (but not final round) – if notified a week in advance. Players absent without giving notice will score 0. Lightning (Blitz) Tournaments: The time control for club lightning tournaments is “3 + 2”, i.e. 3 minutes plus an increment of 2 seconds per move from move one. This year, the Lightning Championship will be a 9-round swiss. Other events may be run as swiss system if someone is present to run the Vega pairings. Rapid Championship: Grand Prix format with four 6-round Swisses (2 rounds per night). Each player counts his/her three best results with ties broken by the players' fourth scores. Time control is 25 minutes per player with an increment of 5 seconds added per move from move 1. Autumn Tournament – 5-round Swiss system event with time control as for Summer Cup (ie 60 min with 30 sec increment). Club Championships: Standard time control of 90 minutes for the game, with an increment of 30 seconds per move from move 1. Top section a 10-player round-robin (if practical); the rest will play in a 9-round swiss with B-Grade and C-Grade trophies to be awarded, and certificates for other Grades. No catch-up nights. Spring Tournament – 5-round Swiss system event with time control as for Summer Cup (ie 60 min with 30 sec increment). Fischer-Random Championship: A 6-round swiss-system tournament. Like the Rapid, this has two rounds a night, with a time control of 25 minutes per player with an increment of 5 seconds per move from move 1. Not rated (until FIDE makes a Chess960 list!). How to enter club tournaments: For standard and rapid events, an entry list is usually posted on the club notice board a couple of weeks in advance of the first round with entries closing on the Wednesday before the first round. The Lightning Championship should also be entered in advance. It may be possible to accept late entries on the first night (or during the event) if the format permits. Entries may also be emailed to Helen:, and we recommend that you copy your email to Daniel ( and Taylor ( in case Helen is away. Commitment: FIDE-rated events require a licensed arbiter to be present, so games cannot be played at home. FIDE results must be submitted monthly so there is no option to delay a rated game. We may abandon attempts to hold round-robins if there is still the likelihood of many absences. Note: our Junior Club on Friday evenings (7:00-8:30pm) restarts on Friday 24th January. Chessmatcher software is used to give all those present some games. NA Daniel Johns is in charge. |