Pairing of round 7, at 19:30 of 04/11/2020

Bo.FedOriginWhite PlayerPtsNWResultNBPtsBlack PlayerOriginFed
1 NZLPT Metge, J Nigel (3.5)4 0 - 110(4) Hart, RalphNS NZL
2 NZLNS Li, Andrew (2)5 0 - 13(3) Xie, FelixAC NZL
3 NZLNS CM Meng, Richard (3.5)6 0 - 12(6) IM Garbett, Paul ANS NZL
4 NZLNS Isaac, Ceferino (3)7 0 - 11(1) Krstev, AntonioNS NZL
5 NZLNS Gunn, Neil J (2)8 1 - 09(2) Johns, Daniel PNS NZL